Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Two V's

Just a thought to share on having teens. When you do have teenagers I think mostly it's about 90% hormones and 10% brainpower and us as parents have to navigate this minefield called hormones.

We've implemented this small little trick into the family which a good friend told us about and it works. It's the two V's the one V stands for "vetroue" "trust" and the other for "verantwoordelikheid" "responsibility". So where-ever you need to make a decision or are in a situation you need to think quickly it's about the two V's. Whenever my daughter goes anywhere I just show her the two V's and she knows it's about Trust and Responsibility. She needs to be responsible in whatever situation she finds herself. She needs to make the right decisions and be responsible for those decisions.  With the correct decisions we as parents gain her trust and in effect give her more responsibility. With more trust comes more responsibility. More responsibility more trust. All in all a win-win situation.


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