Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Day 3 - Another Day of Blissfullness

Another Day of Blissfullness

Today is the day full of possibilities. Think of what you can do today to make your day full of Blissfullness. Go for a nice walk around your neighbourhood. Go meet your neighbour. Phone a friend to say hello. Do something to make you happy today.

Here’s your questions of the day.

List 20 random facts about yourself? I know it's 20 but in this exercise I'm counting this as only one question. My random facts about myself include, my luv for God, luv to my family, my friends, luv sy-fy movies (nice ones not the gorry horror ones), luv taking photographs, helping others, luv my eyes, luv my luv for reading (mills&boon do count), luv learning, luv the beach, luv elephants, luv tea, luv cake, luv my hair on non rainy days ;), luv weird shoes, luv scarves, luv painting, luv water colors, luv craft, luv singing (although can't carry a note), luv life.... just some of the facts I luv about myself in all it's quirkyness.

Describe your relationship with your parents? Thinking and Feelings? The good the bad and the ugly. What can you do to make changes for the better. Write up an action plan. Implement it. Baby steps work.

Describe your relationship with your chidlren? Thinking and Feelings? The good the bad and the ugly. What can you do to make changes for the better. Write up an action plan. Implement it. Baby steps work.

Describe your relationship with your siblings? Thinking and Feelings? The good the bad and the ugly. What can you do to make changes for the better. Write up an action plan. Implement it. Baby steps work.

Describe your most embarrassing moment? I have plenty of these, can be quite funny, if you can get past your most embarrasing moment, then life is your oyster.

Do you find easier to do things for other people than to do something for yourself?

How long have you been working?

What do you want now, in the perfect world, if money was no object? For me, I would luv a new sewing machine, mine decided to take an extended holiday. It's on my Action Saving List.

Who are your mentors? Who are you accountable to?

What do you hope for? How would you define the difference between a hope and a goal?
Take care and tomorrow I'll be back with 10 more questions for you. There is so much more to know about you.

Lotsa Luv

A few more BONUS questions for the day
What do you fear? 
What makes you feel guilty?

Tomorrow you'll be answering another ten questions.
7 More Days To Go.

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