Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 8 - Believe in Yourself

Just live life to the fullest today - in happiness.

Here’s your questions of the day.

What would you buy now if you had all the money in the world? and why?

What is your favourite holiday place?

Are you comfortable in asking for something?

If you could change one thing about your relationship with your partners what would it be?

Would you raise your kids like your parents raised you?

What would your dating policy be towards your kids?

Do you think family is important and why?

What do you consider to be romantic?

What have you learned about love from other people?

Do you think true love can conquer all?

Lotsa Luv

I don't have BONUS QUESTIONS, but I do have a small poem for you. I'm not sure who wrote the poem, it's something I wrote down once upon a time and just speak to me. Today I want you to take it with you during your day.

Believe in Yourself

Believe in yourself
and in your dreams
thought impossible
things may seem

Some day, some how
you'll get through
to the goals
you have in view

Mountain fall, seas divide
before the one who in stride
takes the hard road
day by day sweeping obstacles away

Believe in yourself
and in your plan
say not I cannot but I can

Tomorrow you'll be answering another ten questions.
2 More Days To Go.

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