Saturday, October 5, 2013

Getting to Know Yourself - Welcome

Thank you for starting this journey with us. Life is sometimes a little bit of an excavation project. We need to dig a bit in the dirt to get to the diamonds. That's what I want us all to do this coming ten days. Doing a bit of excavation work - working through a bit of history - getting to know ourselves a bit better.

The thing is when we do know ourselves and what makes us tick it is so much easier to make the right decisions when we need to. 

This is a process and I want you to feel comfortable, the place where you know you can work through everything in your own time and space.

I'll be posting a bit more on how everything will work in tomorrow's post.

I'll see you then.

This E-Course is Not

This E-Course is not about knowing all the answers, it's just a few questions in Getting to Know Yourself. What you will achieve at the end of this e-course is learn more about yourself, who you are, what you like and what you don't like.

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