Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 1 - Getting To Know Yourself

Welcome, you’re here. You’ve made it.

All you need is a journal, a pen and your questions and answers.

Food for thought - going into your questions every day, the right questions can be just the prompt to inspire you into action, to gain a better perspective or it might just help you out of a situation.

I've put together these questions that whenever you need to solve a problem, look at your day, figure out your next steps. These questions are given as prompts and guidelines. The better you know yourself, the better equipped you are to handle stressful situations.

When you do need to make a decision, how do you make a decision. These questions reflect various issues and thoughts we deal with often, writing our thoughts down reflects on how we feel in the moment about a given question. It's a base to work from and reflects your very own thoughts on issues without the influences from the outside world. The only person you need to be honest and accountable to is yourself for the moment.

After the TEN Days we will be looking at how to evaluate your answers.

We will be looking at what questions can be asked to evaluate your answers.

Let’s start with your 10 questions for the day. These are like little mini journal prompts.

Work through the questions in your own time.

You’re the onion and every day were just going to peel away layer after layer until you get to the middle and there you’ll be.

What’s nice is along the way You Will Get to Know Yourself in all it’s fullness, freshness and loveliness.

Working through these questions and answering them and being truthful to yourself will only give you a different perspective of what's in and around you.

Journaling refers to the practice of recording one's personal experiences, events and emotions. It is a technique used for reducing stress and/or to develop your self awareness/insights into yourself.

Journaling works on the premise that by writing about stressful events or experiences in your life, you self-heal, as well as finding solutions. However, this is by no means the only purpose of engaging in the practice of journaling. Journaling is a good problem-solving tool, you can hash out a problem and come up with various solutions on paper.

Journaling traumatic events can help you process them by fully exploring and releasing the emotions involved. According to health experts Journaling improves cognitive functioning, it strengthens the immune system, preventing a host of illnesses. Journaling counteracts many negative effects of stress.

Here’s your questions of the day.

What are you the most passionate about? Write everything down. It can be as small as being passionate about eating chocolate ice cream or as big as taking on a global challenge.

Is it hard for you to get rid of things that you no longer need or want? Write down why it's hard to let go. Is it sentiment, does what you need to throw away serve a useful purpose, didn't have time to throw your things yet, why? Write everything down, make a action list and action it.

What people and activities energize you?

What people and activities make you feel depleted?

Do you get frustrated easily? Why do you get frustrated? What is your frustrations? Write down what you can do to action your frustration points and what can you put in place to help relieve your frustrations.

What’s more satisfying to you? Saving time or saving money?

Is your life on hold? Do you sometimes feel your life is on hold. Write down why you feel that way.

What would you do with a 25 hour day?

How do you know what's real in your life?

What time do you go to bed. How many hours do you sleep?

Take care and tomorrow I'll be back with 10 more questions for you. By the end of our 10 Days of togetherness, your journal will be chocful of information about you and a way to release a bit of the stress on your side.

Lotsa Luv

A few more BONUS questions for the day.
  • Does your guilt and shame serve any useful purpose?
  • How stressed are you right now on a scale of 1 to 10?
  • How do you sabotage yourself?
Tomorrow you'll be answering another ten questions.
9 More Days To Go.

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