Thursday, August 16, 2012

Art Inspiration

Whenever I'm a bit stressed, have loads of things on my mind, making and doing something with my hands put things in perspective. It is to challenge yourself to think and work outside of your comfort zone. It could be drawing in a book, working with pastels or something a bit more challenging. Throughout it all it's a process whereby your fingers do the walking, the mind the wandering - at the end you have a final result whereby at one point you have to say enough, lets just move on.
  Being creative doesn't necessarily have to be sitting down and drawing, you can take your camera and go source things to photograph. Make a bucket list of things you want to photograph and challenge yourself working through your list. Go to museums and let art work within you.

This photograph I took on a project visit. This little blue house stood out from all the other houses and made this moment for me so unique. We sometimes want to put ourselves in a box which subscribes to one specific color. Life is full of colors and we need to explore those colors. 

You can walk down a sidewalk and there is loads of aha moments. Looking at a building through an artistic viewpoint, what makes this building so interesting. The point is to challenge yourself within your present framework to think outside the box and to start thinking creatively about subjects in and around yourself.

This tree is just opposite to where I work, sometimes the bestest of things are right in front of you, if you just look and savor the moment. Sometimes the only thing we need to do to get inspiration is to look up.

My challenge for today is not to think of the world in black and white, but to think of the world full of vibrant colors and instead of just looking down sometimes that we have to lift our heads and look at the sky. For today, go forth and look for those small little things that inspire you and bring you joy.

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